About Me

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I support people on their journey to wellness through nutrition and lifestyle coaching! I am passionate about teaching people how lifestyle choices can be fun, inspiring and positively affect all aspects of their lives. I love guiding people to wellness one meal at a time!! I am also a passionate mama, a yogi and I love to cook!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You know its the Beginning of Summer Fresh Salad......

This was my dinner last night. On my way home I stopped by the local farmers marker and got some fresh asparagus and since I had some fresh salad greens, organic strawberries and some leftover wild caught salmon at home, I thought I would make a summer fresh salad.
I love this time of year! It is so exciting to go to the farmers market and pick up some fruit and veg that you know is fresh, often picked that day! I just feel so good after eating such fresh foods that contain their full nutritional potential....right after produce is picked it begins to lose its nutrients! Please take full advantage of all the local options at this time of year and into the summer. It is probably one of the most powerful things you can do for your health and the environment.
I have to be totally honest.....
I loved this salad, thought it was one of my best ever. My better half on the other hand, also known as Todd, hated it! He was not a fan of the dressing. So it is not for everyone. But if you are a fan of tahini like I am, go for it! I am sure you will love it just as I did!

4 cups of mixed greens (or peppery arugula would be great too)
1/2 bunch of asparagus, chopped into 1 inch pieces
5-10 strawberries, sliced
6-8 oz protein (wild caught salmon, chicken, etc)
½ cup of legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc)
+ a sprinkling of walnuts if desired

Dressing (makes extra dressing, use for tomorrows lunch ;o)
2 tablespoons sesame tahini
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoons maple syrup
2-3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1-2 tbsp of water

Prepare the asparagus by snapping the bottom of the stems off and chopping the asparagus into 1 inch pieces. Steam the asparagus for 2-3 minutes. Let cool. You can run them under cold water to stop the cooking process. You want the asparagus crisp, but cooked. Toss the asparagus with the mixed greens, strawberries, legumes, and salmon (or other protein option). Whisk or blend the dressing ingredients together and drizzle over each plate.
Store the extra dressing in a glass jar for the next delicious salad adventure ;o)


  1. Strawberries in salad are the best! I love blending them into my dressing with a little balsamic and flax.

    (ps- hope you come on the retreat. though of course i could meet you here, meeting you in St. Lucia would be way more fun and Josh always speaks to highly of you!)

  2. Thanks Meghan!!
    That is such a great idea!! I will try that next time.
    Your website is truly amazing! I am so excited to have found it. I have made many of your recipes already!
    I have already started saving up for St Lucia. It is something I really want to do for myself. It is my 30th b-day in Dec and that is all I want for my b-day!
    See you in St Lucia....and maybe before then ;o)
